Kate Martinez
Kate Martinez ☾
Take a look at my website where I invite you to learn more about me as I give you a little glimpse into my life and the work I have done.
A little bit about me…
I am an undergraduate student at California State University, Long Beach. I plan to earn a Bachelor’s degree in public relations by May 2024. Please take a moment to explore my website. Discover some of the projects I have worked on while studying at Cal State Long Beach. You can also take a look at my resume. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
kate is listening to
kate is listening to ☾☾☾
“Siempre he sido yo”
-Bad Bunny, RLNDT
“You can work your way to the top”
-Ariana Grande, get well soon
Please fill out the form with any questions or concerns, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. You can also email me at kmartinez2169@gmail.com with any relevant questions or concerns.